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Your Noise Makes Me Scream


I have noisy neighbors. Technically, they are not our direct neighbors, as they live on the other side of a brick wall at the end of our driveway. All of the neighbors that live in my complex are quiet. Often, they are so quiet, that I forget that I even have neighbors. There are kids that live in the house next door and I've never heard them, not once and we have a shared wall. My neighbors rock. Quietly.

Back to the neighbors across the wall...they like to have parties. Big parties, noisy parties. Exceedingly loud parties. These parties usually take place every single weekend in the summer.

 As far as I can tell, there are one of two scenarios going on. First, these people have a very large extended family and hold every possible family gathering at this location. The second, they rent out their backyard to other families. I feel like the second might be a distinct possibility, as they always have the same DJ, tons of tables and equipment and a bouncy house. This is a semi-professional set up that these people have going on.

Much to my horror, last weekend, we watched as they rigged up an enormous blue tarp, essentially covering their entire backyard. Then, around six on Saturday evening, the loud, thumping music started up and the noise didn't die until around two am. This leads me to believe, that they are planning on doing these parties year round. Ugh.

I've called the police on them. Numerous times. All of my neighbors have called too. These parties have been going on for years. The police check it out, the music temporarily dies down and then it kicks back up again. They police have fined them and they are willing to pay. They just don't care. The police are exasperated, but apparently have their hands tied. I'm not sure what the next step is, besides maybe taking it to the city council.

I think what get my goat the most, is the utter lack of respect for the neighbors. This isn't just a little extra noise. I can clearly hear all of the music and talking with my windows and doors closed. I can hear it above the sounds of my television. In the past, it's been so loud, that my windows rattled. The amplification echoes down our driveway. They don't tone it down as the evening gets later, if anything, they get louder. The kids in the bouncy house are allowed to screech and scream, even past midnight. I've never had any of my direct neighbors make noise like this, not even when they have BBQ parties on their patios.

As a kid, my mom made me very aware of noise and being respectful of those around me. When I had a bunch of friends over for a party in junior high, she made me walk around and hand out letters to all of the neighbors, informing them of the party, with our phone number, in case we got too loud. Even with that, I was told to make sure we kept the volume down and the party ended around eight.

I remember playing with a friend in Maui, we were running up and down the halls of our condo complex, playing tag. A woman came out of her home and nicely asked us to play elsewhere, because we were making too much noise and she had a sleeping baby. She was right. There is a time and place for noise and there is an appropriate level of what's acceptable. It's not acceptable to bother neighbors, even as a kid, I understood this concept. We took our game away from the homes and to the big lawn out back.

We live in close proximity to our neighbors. It's unfair to expect everyone to put up with your extra loud party. If you want to throw them, you should move to where you have more land. It's the breaks of living in a densely populated community.

There are many other places that noise levels drive me nut.

This may be easier said than done, but people should refrain from public arguments. This last weekend, I witnessed an older couple in a screaming fit at the concession stand at AMC. They continued to walk into the theater, yelling the whole way. Okay, take a step back, leave the theater and talk out your issues. The world does not need to be involved in your personal matters.

People who talk in movies should be pelted with Junior Mints and tossed out. Cell phone are in clear violation, including texting, which is noise on the eyes. Unless it's a screening specific for parents with babies (as some theaters are doing, mommy matinees- which is a great idea, keeps everyone happy) it's never appropriate to bring a baby. Sorry, it's just not. A baby can't help it if they start to cry and in a movie, that's just rude. A parent can't get out of the room fast enough to avoid a disturbance, it's like a ringing cell phone. I wasn't taken to my first movie until my mom knew that I could sit through it silently. I don't mind if a young child (or even an adult) blurts something out in surprise or excitement, but this should be an exception in a movie theater, not constant yammering or in inability to sit still. 

People should never have loud or prolonged cell conversations in public, especially indoors, like at a restaurant or in line at Starbucks. It's so annoying and not in the least bit private as everyone is listening.

People who use their phones at the gym right in front of the "No Cell Phone" sign, should have their cell phone smashed and membership revoked, courtesy of me. 

I absolutely loathe loud talking in zoos. I was taught that zoos should be treated like libraries with inside voices and whispers. You're visiting the animal's house, have some respect. Plus, speaking from experience gained through working at a zoo, quiet moments are when the animals are most active. 

If the music in your car is loud enough to drowned out the music in my car, then you need to turn it down.

Your noise makes me want to scream. However, I am polite enough to refrain from adding to the noise pollution problem.

So, besides ranting about the issue. what is to be done? Right now, we are at the point where we are considering an investment in Super Soakers and rotten eggs. I've been working on my aim.

 Anyone else out there have a similar issue with noisy neighbors? Any solutions for a peaceful resolution?